Monday, March 8, 2010

4 Months, 3 Weeks, and 2 Days

FYI - I watch even more movies than I post on here. Mostly because the people who I KNOW follow my blog would NEVER watch some of the artsy movies I spend my time watching. However, I have been told by some that although they're not technically a "follower," they read my blog and want to know what I thought of these artsy films. So, to start off with the artsy films, is 4 Months, 3 Weeks and 2 Days, a movie you've probably never heard of. I heard of it from Metacritic, it's on their list of the All Time High Scores.

This is definitely one of the most fascinating, gripping and REAL movies I've ever seen. The entire movie is from the perspective of Otilia, who's roommate wants to have an abortion in Communist Romania. Being caught would mean life in prison. The movie is shot entirely from Otilia's perspective, when she's walking down the street, you only see the back of her head in front of you. Getting a glimpse into this day, the most awful day of her entire life, is terrible and sad and makes you feel like an intruder. You feel all of her pain, all of her frustration, and all of her fear about what might happen at any second. This is not a movie the average watcher would enjoy, because it is so sad. But despite that, it is filmed so brilliantly that I appreciated it for what an amazing work of art it was. If you're a film lover like me, check it out for sure. Otherwise, I wouldn't go there.

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