Tuesday, February 16, 2010

The Lovely Bones

I have a theory that practically ZERO books translate to film well. Whenever I watch a movie based on a novel, it always feels rushed. There are just so many side stories in novels that won't all fit into a 2 hour film, and that bothers me. Such is the case with this one. It felt rushed, it felt pushy, and it felt over-the-top at times. The story is heart-wrenchingly sad, and I don't think the movie really did it justice. Suzie Salmon is murdered at 14, and the movie is mostly about how her family copes with their loss. Stanley Tucci as the murderer is very creepy, he made me uneasy the entire movie. I was worried that the scene where he murders her would be too hard to watch, but they didn't really go into details about how he did it and that helped. That was among the many things that were never explained. Overall I just didn't get this one. I bet it was a fantastic book, and now I wish I had read it before seeing this. Overall, I'd say PASS.

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