Monday, January 11, 2010


Just like the trailer, this movie is pretty hard to watch. But it's intriguing and moving, because I'm sure people are living in this kind of situation right now. "Precious" is 16 years old, pregnant with her 2nd child (both from her father), she can barely read and suffers physical and emotional abuse from her own mother. By the end, she has moved on from alot of these situations and is turning her life around. But I didn't leave the theater with a sense of hope for her, and I won't tell you the reasons why, because I want you to be as shocked as I was when you see it. The acting was fantastic, I'd say they all deserve an award. Even Mariah Carey was believable and didn't come across as one of those I'm-a-singer-but-I-want-to-try-acting people. I'd say check this one out, but be prepared for a tough story, and don't forget your Kleenex.

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