Saturday, January 9, 2010

Avatar 3D

This isn't exactly my kind of movie, but I wanted to see it because of all the hype. I usually enjoy these action movies with tons of special effects, they're just not always my first choice. Mostly because they're all too similar. Avatar on the other hand is unlike any action movie I've ever seen. The special effects ARE amazing. Everything looks so real. And the story was good enough to make me curious how it would end. Negatives - the acting was TERRIBLE. I'd say the actors didn't have alot to work with though, because how do you deliver a cheesy line? It was so bad I almost laughed a few times. The length - it was WAAAY too long. They could have easily cut out 30 minutes, if not 45. I did see it late at night so I was getting tired, but I don't think it made that much difference, I was ready for it to just be OVER. Overall, it's semi-interesting and visually stunning. I'd say check it out - if only for the special effects!

1 comment:

  1. That's a pretty mixed review.
    One sentance makes me dismiss it entirely, and the next make me think I should check it out. So torn, I'll just have to wait for RedBox.
