Monday, November 29, 2010

Jackie's Top 5's - Comedy

To compile my list of Top 5 Comedies - I immedietely went to the movies that a) can make me laugh every time I watch them, and b) that I quote all the time with friends and family.  So (drum roll) here they are:

Ace Ventura: Pet Detective - it may be a little dumb to some people, but I seriously saw it for the first time when I was like 12, so it worked on me!  My favorite quote: 

"Ventura - when I get out of that bathroom, you'd better be gone!"
"Is it number one or number 2?...... I just wanna know how much time I have!"

The Big Lebowski - this is a recent one for me, I saw it for the first time when I was in high school and I hated it.  Then some persuasive friends told me to watch it a second time... and I loved it!  It's suuupper funny!  My favorite quote:

"Careful MAN - there's a beverage here!"

Dumb and Dumber - there are SO many classic quotes from this movie, it's hard for me to pick just one!  This movie works because Jim Carrey and Jeff Daniels play dumb perfectly... they're either brilliant, or just that dumb in real life.  Favorite quote:

"We got no food, we got no jobs, our PETS HEADS ARE FALLING OFF!"

Napoleon Dynamite - This one makes me giggle nonstop throughout the whole movie.  It gets funnier every time I see it!  I know some people don't like it - probably because it's a little odd.  But come on - it's hilarious!  Favorite quote:

"I like your sleeves.  They're real big."

Tommy Boy - RIP Chris Farley.  He was one of the funniest actors that ever lived.  Seriously - does it get any funnier than an over weight man in a suit jacket that's too small??  Favorite Quote:

"I swear I've seen a lot of stuff in my life, but that... was... AWESOME."

So - there you have them.  What's your favorite comedy of all time?


  1. I would probably trade Lebowski for Airplane, and I don't know if the Blues Brothers is a comedy but if so it would be my number one. Other than that I like your list.

  2. Wow Cameron! I feel so honored that you actually read this. I agree - Airplane is a classic!

  3. I JUST got around to posting about this...but trade Lebowski?!?! Blasphemy - said the "persuasive friend".

    "...also, Dude, 'china-man' is not the preferred nomenclature. It's Asian-American."
